Living in a manufactured home comes with unique maintenance challenges, one of which is ensuring the home remains level over time. How often does a manufactured home need to be leveled? It is a key concern for homeowners, as it impacts both the durability of the structure and the comfort of its inhabitants. We will discuss the factors that influence this need and guide you through maintaining the level of your home.

Understanding the Need for Leveling

Manufactured homes are constructed on a chassis and set on a foundation that can be affected by various factors, such as soil conditions and climate. Over time, these factors can cause the foundation to settle or shift, leading to a home that is out of level. This can result in several problems, such as doors and windows that don't close properly, cracks in walls, and uneven floors.

Signs Your Home May Need Leveling

  • Doors and Windows Stick or Won't Close Properly: If doors or windows begin to stick or won't close easily, it could be a sign that your home is shifting.
  • Visible Cracks on Walls: Cracks in the interior or exterior walls, especially around doors and windows, can indicate movement.
  • Uneven Floors: Noticeable sloping or feeling unsteady while walking could be due to your home needing releveling.

Regular Inspections

The frequency of leveling depends largely on the initial site preparation, the type of foundation your home is set on, and local environmental conditions. It’s advisable to perform an initial check within the first year after your home has been set up. This check is important as it addresses any settling that may have occurred after the installation.

Scheduled Maintenance

After the initial year, most experts recommend inspecting your manufactured home every 1 to 5 years. However, the exact frequency can vary based on several factors:

  • Soil Type: Homes situated on softer soils may require more frequent leveling due to higher rates of settling.
  • Climate: Areas with frequent changes in moisture levels can cause ground shifting, necessitating more frequent checks.
  • Age of Home: Older homes may require more frequent leveling as materials age and become less resistant to environmental stresses.

Professional Assessment

While minor adjustments might be manageable on your own, it is advisable to hire a professional to assess and carry out the leveling process. Professionals have the tools and expertise to accurately assess whether your home is level and make the necessary adjustments safely.

Long-term Care and Maintenance

Maintaining a level home doesn’t stop at periodic leveling. Here are a few tips to ensure ongoing stability:

  • Maintain Proper Drainage: Ensure water flows away from the foundation to prevent soil erosion and shifting.
  • Monitor Landscaping: Keep large plants and trees at a safe distance from your home to prevent roots from affecting the foundation.
  • Regular Monitoring: Even outside of your scheduled inspections, keep an eye on the signs of an unlevel home and address them proactively.

Discover the Cambio Difference

At Cambio Communities, we understand the importance of a stable and structurally sound living environment. Ensuring your manufactured home remains level is critical for the comfort and functionality of your space and preserving its structural integrity over time.

Our communities are designed with your safety and satisfaction in mind, offering well-maintained homes that are both affordable and durable. Whether you're looking to purchase or lease, Cambio Communities provides tailored housing solutions to meet your specific needs, backed by a commitment to enhance the lives of our residents through attentive care and robust community management.

Reach out to us with any questions you might have, and one of our Cambio team members will be happy to assist you.